North Carolina Utilities Commission
Document Number: F-E-20220715-042

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CCEBA Comments on Duke Energy Carbon Plan

Date Received:
Filing Date:
Tracking Number::
Filed By:
John D Burns
General Counsel
811 Ninth Street, Suite 120-158
Durham ,  NC  27705
Means Received:

CCEBA's Comments and Exhibits A-R in Response to Duke Energy's Carbon Plan Filing

Files:   (Click on the filename to open the file.)
Exhibit A - SEIA North Carolina Solar Spotlight 2022 [2,241.67KB]
Exhibit B - USEER 2021 State Reports - North Carolina [7,786.91KB]
Exhibit C - Duke Response to NCSEA-SACE DR 3-30 [826.20KB]
Exhibit D - Makhijani Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Article [1,336.64KB]
Exhibit E - Breakthrough Report [10,055.89KB]
Exhibit F - Krall PNAS Article on SMR Waste [2,485.92KB]
Exhibit G - Fitch ETI CarbonStrandingReport [4,921.34KB]
Exhibit H - NC State Storage Study-FINAL [12,922.76KB]
Exhibit I - Jorgensen - NREL Storage Futures Study [3,446.95KB]
Exhibit J - Bowen - Grid-Scale Battery Storage Frequently Asked Questions - NREL [2,255.30KB]
Exhibit K - Duke Response to AGO DR 3-4-C [786.18KB]
Exhibit L - Gorman - Berkeley Lab Report [3,263.73KB]
Exhibit M - Cole NREL Study on Cost Projections for Utility Scale Storage [3,173.30KB]
Exhibit N - IA Step 2 Report [1,517.18KB]
Exhibit O - TVA 2022 Carbon free RFP [1,710.68KB]
Exhibit P - Duke Energy IRP Technical Conference Testimony, Vol 4 [5,675.24KB]
Exhibit Q - Executive Order 218 [1,785.48KB]
Exhibit R - NC_Offshore_Wind_Cost-Benefit_Analysis_FINAL [1,828.49KB]
FINAL CCEBA Comments on Duke Energy Carbon Plan E-100 Sub 179 [1,265.04KB]